Where are you now?

This started out mainly as a Roll Call for the 63/64 classes. We are now expanding to the 65 and 66 classes.  If there is anyone who dropped out or changed schools, please let us know so we can include them. Those we have found are in blue.  Those we are waiting to hear from are in yellowThe missing list (much shorter) is in redIf you are one of these people or are in contact with any of them, PLEASE either let us know or have them contact Erica or Linda  

New Feature

Click on bio or web to see what has been happening since you last saw them.  Some pictures are also included with the bios.

Rona Adkins (63) Richard Hallam (64) Carol Normans(63)
Richard Airlie (65)      bio Lynn Hammerbeck (64) John O'Hanley (63)
Doug Allen (64) Gord Hanna (64) Sidje Oolman (64)
Bruce Appleton  (64) Carol Harris (64) Gary Patriquin (64)
Carol Arthur  (65) Glen Harrower (64) Lorraine Penfold (66)
Marge Baessler  (65) Rolf Hartell (64) Judy Potts (64)
Al Barnett (64) Connie Henley (64) Brian Powell (63)
Kevin Barrett  (65)    bio Linda Hodgkin (65) Linda Priest Brown  (65)
Paul Best  (64) Lynne Houldsworth (64) Carolyn Purdy (64)
Mickey Bickerstaff  (65) Meva Hughes (65) Ian Reilly  (64)
Donna Birtwhistle  (64) Bill Hulshoff  (64)       bio Gail Roberts (64) web   bio 
Anne Black (64) Sandra Hurst (65) Jim Ross (63)
Evelyn Black  (64) Nancy Hyland  (65) Liz Ross (64)
Jon Bosshart (63) Eric Johnson (64) Marie Ross (64)
Julie Bourdon  (64) Julie Kaiser (64) Nestor Royko (64)
Marilyn Bowen  (64) Peter Keller  (65) Donna Scott  (64)
Vincent Brunet  (64) Gail King (64) Frank Scott (64)
Joanne Budd  (65) Karen King (64) Ron Scott  (66)
Helga Burke  (64) Daria Kiperchuk (64) Wayde Scott   (65)        bio
Nadine Clark  (65) Sharron Komisaruk (64) Angela Sheppard (64)
Bill Condy  (64) Jim Kyle (65) Donna Smeall (64) bio
Stuart Cotton  (63) Judy Lalonde (64) Linda Strike  (63)         bio
Marilyn Darlington (64) bio Rex Langman (64) Joachim Surich (63)
Brenda Dean (64) Robin Leach (64) Neil Taylor (64)
Gary Derry   (65)   bio Jennifer Leak (64) Erica Tester (64) web    bio
Linda Dickson  (65) John L'Ecuyer (63) Tony Thatcher (64)  bio
John Didkowsky (63)  web Gary Leschuk (64) Laura Thompson (64)
WayneDombroski(63)webbio Betty Lobban (63) Robin Thompson (65)
Julie Drozda (64) Brent London (64) Jim Trickey (66)
Louise Duff (64) Lorna Lord (65) Lynn Turriff (66)
Pam Emberley (64)  web  bio Barbara MacKay (64) Hank VanLeewen (64)
Glenn Fair (63) Karen MacKay (63) Brian Wakelam (63)
Wayne Fountain (64) John MacLean (64) Sandi Watson (65)
Roy Friedlander (64) Anne MacRae  (64) Steven Watson (63)
Pam Garrett (65)  bio Fred Markhauser  (63)   bio Duncan Way (63)
Kelvin Georgian (64) Linda Mauthie (63) Bob Whittall (63)
Pat Georgian (64) Jill McDonald (64) Joyce Wilken (64)
Marlene Giroux (65) Jim McMullin (64) Heather Williamson (63)
Glenn (David) Grant (63) David Miller (64) Jack Woodhouse (65)
Ross Grant (64) Rick Moreau (63) Dorothy Yarnell (64)
Marilyn Gray (65) Carla Morgan  (65) bio
JoAnne Grimes (66) bio Carol Morgan  (64)
Barbara Muir (65)

Following are the 65 Grads that we are trying to locate - any help would be appreciated.  Also, if you know of anyone from 66, we need then too - that's our next project.  Names were taken from the 64 Yearbook, so if there are typos or missed people, please let me know.

Pat Agnew Jim Hurst Gary O'Brien
Mike Arpin Sandra Hurst Lynn Osborne
Joanne Arthur Joan Inglis Art Parsons
Rodney Astle Albert Jones Barbara Pasquini
Linda Bartrum Brian Kelsey Barry Peers
Jane Beauchamp Bob Kerr Eric Pennell
Uta von Beckman Gerry Kezar Anne Pold
Sheila Bonnalie Rickey Komisaruk Laurence Pratten
Diane Brittan Jim Kyle Dini Price
Bob Catterson Danny Leblanc Pat Quenville
Valerie Carr Russell Lenis Craig Richards
Lillian Chatterson David Lowe Janice Rowe
Joy Cochrane Carol Malcomber Sandra Scott
Sheila Cooper Barry Mansfield Anne Schoen
Steve Cooke Karin Markhauser Jim Smith
Mary Cruikshank Sharon Mayhew Riki Stanford
Susan Davies Kevin McGlashan Patsy Swartz
Mary Didkowsky Art McMillan Ron Thornberg
David Fuller Dave Meades Terry Tinkler
Linda Gillis Teri Modeland Bob Toop
Bruce Hamilton Barbara Morris Jim Tyler
Kent Harding Bill Morris Doug Waleer
Wayne Hatcher Geraldine Morris Jim Walker
Judi Houldsworth Evelyn Muir Terry Wilcox
  Jim Mulderrig John Wilkenson
  George Neal Pricilla Zizian


Erica (Tester) Bent

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